Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The IPA Rahul Basu Memorial Award 2018

The winners of the IPA Rahul Basu Memorial Award have been selected for the period 2016-2018. These are:


Dr. Apratim Kaviraj,  Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Thesis Title: Conformal Bootstrap: Old and New.

Dr. Ipsita Saha, University of Calcutta, Kolkata
Thesis Title: The study of the physics beyond the SM at the LHC in the light of dark matter searches.

Runners up:

Dr. Rusa Mandal, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai and HBNI.
Thesis Title: Rare B Decays as a probe to beyond standard model physics.

Dr. Taushif Ahmed,  The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai and HBNI.
Thesis Title: QCD Radiative Corrections to Higgs Physics.

The award ceremony will be held as a part of the DAE symposium on High Energy Physics, 10 - 14th December, 2018 in Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.   The winners will be given a cash prize of Rs. 25,000/- each and a citation. The runners up will be presented a citation.
Congratulations to the awardees.

This  blog post is by Neelima Gupte  and Sumathi Rao.

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